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Johnny Armstrong Killed a Calf

Johnny Armstrong killed a calf. Peter Henderson got half. Willy Wilkinson got the head. Ring the bell, the calf is dead.   Download the words to Johnny Armstrong Killed a Calf.

Johnny Shall Ride

Ride away, ride away, Johnny shall ride. He shall have a pussy cat Tied to one side.   He shall have a little dog Tied to the other, And Johnny shall ride To see his [...]

Johnny Shall Have a New Bonnet

Johnny shall have a new bonnet, And Johnny shall go to the fair, And Johnny shall have a blue ribbon To tie up his bonny brown hair.   And why may not I love Johnny? [...]

Pretty John Watts

Pretty John Watts, We are troubled with rats. Will you drive them out of the house?   We have mice, too, in plenty, That feast in the pantry, But let them stay And nibble away. [...]

Is John Smith Within?

Is John Smith within? Yes, that he is. Can he set a shoe? Aye, marry, two. Here a nail and there a nail, Tick, tack, too.   Download the words to Is John Smith Within?

Little John Jiggy Jag

Little John Jiggy Jag, He rode a penny nag And went to Wigan to woo. When he came to a beck, He fell and broke his neck. Johnny, how dost thou now?   I made [...]

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Johnny Armstrong Killed a Calf

Johnny Armstrong killed a calf. Peter Henderson got half. Willy Wilkinson got the head. Ring the bell, the calf is dead.   Download the words to Johnny Armstrong Killed a Calf.

Johnny Shall Ride

Ride away, ride away, Johnny shall ride. He shall have a pussy cat Tied to one side.   He shall have a little dog Tied to the other, And Johnny shall ride To see his [...]

Johnny Shall Have a New Bonnet

Johnny shall have a new bonnet, And Johnny shall go to the fair, And Johnny shall have a blue ribbon To tie up his bonny brown hair.   And why may not I love Johnny? [...]

Pretty John Watts

Pretty John Watts, We are troubled with rats. Will you drive them out of the house?   We have mice, too, in plenty, That feast in the pantry, But let them stay And nibble away. [...]

Is John Smith Within?

Is John Smith within? Yes, that he is. Can he set a shoe? Aye, marry, two. Here a nail and there a nail, Tick, tack, too.   Download the words to Is John Smith Within?

Little John Jiggy Jag

Little John Jiggy Jag, He rode a penny nag And went to Wigan to woo. When he came to a beck, He fell and broke his neck. Johnny, how dost thou now?   I made [...]

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