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Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Oh That I Were Where I Would Be

Oh that I were where I would be, Then would I be where I am not, But where I am there I must be, And where I would be I cannot.   Download the words [...]

As I Went Over the Water

As I went over the water, The water went over me. I saw two little blackbirds Sitting on a tree.   One called me a rascal And one called me a thief. I took up [...]

As I Was Walking in a Field of Wheat

As I was walking in a field of wheat I picked up something good to eat. Neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor bone, I kept it till it ran alone.   Download the words to As I [...]

As I Was Going to Sell My Eggs

As I was going to sell my eggs, I met a man with bandy legs. Bandy legs and crooked toes, I tripped up his heels and he fell on his nose.   Download the words [...]

As I Was Going Along

As I was going along, long, long, A-singing a comical song, song, song, The lane that I went was so long, long, long, And the song that I sung was as long, long, long, And [...]

As I Walked By Myself

As I walked by myself And talked to myself, Myself said unto me, “Look to thyself, Take care of thyself, For nobody cares for thee.”   I answered myself And said to myself In the [...]

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Gregory Griggs

Gregory Griggs, Gregory Griggs, Had twenty-seven different wigs. [...]

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Oh That I Were Where I Would Be

Oh that I were where I would be, Then would I be where I am not, But where I am there I must be, And where I would be I cannot.   Download the words [...]

As I Went Over the Water

As I went over the water, The water went over me. I saw two little blackbirds Sitting on a tree.   One called me a rascal And one called me a thief. I took up [...]

As I Was Walking in a Field of Wheat

As I was walking in a field of wheat I picked up something good to eat. Neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor bone, I kept it till it ran alone.   Download the words to As I [...]

As I Was Going to Sell My Eggs

As I was going to sell my eggs, I met a man with bandy legs. Bandy legs and crooked toes, I tripped up his heels and he fell on his nose.   Download the words [...]

As I Was Going Along

As I was going along, long, long, A-singing a comical song, song, song, The lane that I went was so long, long, long, And the song that I sung was as long, long, long, And [...]

As I Walked By Myself

As I walked by myself And talked to myself, Myself said unto me, “Look to thyself, Take care of thyself, For nobody cares for thee.”   I answered myself And said to myself In the [...]

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