Latest Publications
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Old Boniface He Loved Good Cheer
Old Boniface, he loved good cheer And took his glass of Burton, And when the nights grew sultry hot He slept without a shirt on. Download the words to Old Boniface He Loved Good Cheer.
Oh, What Have You Got For Dinner, Mrs Bond?
“Oh, what have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?” “There's beef in the larder, and ducks in the pond. Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers [...]
As a Little Fat Man of Bombay
As a little fat man of Bombay Was smoking one very hot day, A bird called a snipe Flew away with his pipe, Which vexed the fat man of Bombay. Download the words to As [...]
Little Bob Robin
Little Bob Robin, Where do you live? Up in yonder wood, sir, On a hazel twig. Download the words to Little Bob Robin.
Buzz, Quoth the Blue Fly
Buzz, quoth the blue fly, Hum, quoth the bee. Buzz and hum they cry And so do we. In his ear, in his nose, Thus do you see, He ate the dormouse Else it [...]
Little Blue Betty
Little Blue Betty lived in a den. She sold good ale to gentlemen. Gentlemen came every day And little Blue Betty hopped away. She hopped upstairs to make her bed And she tumbled down and [...]
In The Press
Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.
If All the World Were Paper
If all the world were paper And all [...]
Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen
Hickety, pickety, my black hen. She lays eggs [...]
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. [...]
Hark! Hark!
Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark. The beggars [...]
Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys Jumping on a bed. One [...]
Curly Locks
Curly Locks, Curly Locks, Will you be mine? [...]
Pretty Little Dutch Girl
I am a pretty little Dutch girl, As [...]
On-Going Research
Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.
Old Boniface He Loved Good Cheer
Old Boniface, he loved good cheer And took his glass of Burton, And when the nights grew sultry hot He slept without a shirt on. Download the words to Old Boniface He Loved Good Cheer.
Oh, What Have You Got For Dinner, Mrs Bond?
“Oh, what have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?” “There's beef in the larder, and ducks in the pond. Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers [...]
As a Little Fat Man of Bombay
As a little fat man of Bombay Was smoking one very hot day, A bird called a snipe Flew away with his pipe, Which vexed the fat man of Bombay. Download the words to As [...]
Little Bob Robin
Little Bob Robin, Where do you live? Up in yonder wood, sir, On a hazel twig. Download the words to Little Bob Robin.
Buzz, Quoth the Blue Fly
Buzz, quoth the blue fly, Hum, quoth the bee. Buzz and hum they cry And so do we. In his ear, in his nose, Thus do you see, He ate the dormouse Else it [...]
Little Blue Betty
Little Blue Betty lived in a den. She sold good ale to gentlemen. Gentlemen came every day And little Blue Betty hopped away. She hopped upstairs to make her bed And she tumbled down and [...]
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