

Latest Publications

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Dance, Little Baby, Dance Up High

Dance, little baby, dance up high. Never mind, baby, mother is by. Crow and caper, caper and crow, There, little baby, there you go. Up to the ceiling, down to the ground, Backwards and forwards, [...]

Dance a Baby Diddy

Dance a baby diddy! What can mammy do wid'e But sit in her lap And give you some pap And dance a baby diddy?   Download the words to Dance a Baby Diddy.

Bye, O My Baby

Bye, O my baby. When I was a lady, Oh, then my poor babe didn't cry. But my baby is weeping For want of good keeping. Oh, I fear my poor baby will die.   [...]

Baby, Baby, Naughty Baby

Baby, baby, naughty baby, Hush, you squalling thing, I say. Peace this moment, peace, or maybe Bonaparte will pass this way. Baby, baby, he's a giant, Tall and black as Rouen steeple, And he breakfasts, [...]

Baby and I Were Baked in a Pie

Baby and I were baked in a pie. The gravy was wonderful hot. We had nothing to pay To the baker that day And so we crept out of the pot. Download the words to Baby [...]

Hush Thee, My Babby

Hush thee, my babby. Lie still with thy daddy. Thy mammy has gone to the mill To grind thee some wheat To make thee some meat. Oh, my dear babby, lie still.   Download the [...]

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Eeper Weeper

Eeper Weeper, chimney sweeper, Had a wife but [...]

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Dance, Little Baby, Dance Up High

Dance, little baby, dance up high. Never mind, baby, mother is by. Crow and caper, caper and crow, There, little baby, there you go. Up to the ceiling, down to the ground, Backwards and forwards, [...]

Dance a Baby Diddy

Dance a baby diddy! What can mammy do wid'e But sit in her lap And give you some pap And dance a baby diddy?   Download the words to Dance a Baby Diddy.

Bye, O My Baby

Bye, O my baby. When I was a lady, Oh, then my poor babe didn't cry. But my baby is weeping For want of good keeping. Oh, I fear my poor baby will die.   [...]

Baby, Baby, Naughty Baby

Baby, baby, naughty baby, Hush, you squalling thing, I say. Peace this moment, peace, or maybe Bonaparte will pass this way. Baby, baby, he's a giant, Tall and black as Rouen steeple, And he breakfasts, [...]

Baby and I Were Baked in a Pie

Baby and I were baked in a pie. The gravy was wonderful hot. We had nothing to pay To the baker that day And so we crept out of the pot. Download the words to Baby [...]

Hush Thee, My Babby

Hush thee, my babby. Lie still with thy daddy. Thy mammy has gone to the mill To grind thee some wheat To make thee some meat. Oh, my dear babby, lie still.   Download the [...]

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