

Latest Publications

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Here Are the Lady’s Knives and Forks

Here are the lady’s knives and forks, Here is the lady’s table, Here is the lady’s looking-glass, And here is the baby’s cradle.   Download the words to Here Are the Lady's Knives and Forks.

There Was a Lady Loved a Swine

There was a lady loved a swine. “Honey,” quoth she, “Pig-hog wilt thou be mine?” “Hoogh,” quoth he.   “I’ll build thee a silver sty, Honey,” quoth she, “And in it thou shalt lie.” “Hoogh,” [...]

There Was a Lady All Skin and Bone

There was a lady all skin and bone. Sure such a lady was never known. It happened upon a certain day, This lady went to church to pray.   When she came to the church [...]

I Have Been to Market

I have been to market, My lady, my lady. Then you’ve not been to the fair, Says pussy, says pussy.   I bought me a rabbit, My lady, my lady. Then you did not buy [...]

Every Lady in This Land

Every lady in this land Has twenty nails upon each hand, Five and twenty on hands and feet All this is true without deceit.   Download the words to Every Lady in This Land.

This is the Way the Ladies Ride

This is the way the ladies ride, Nimble, nimble, nimble, nimble. This is the way the gentlemen ride, A gallop a trot, a gallop a trot. This is the way the farmers ride, Jiggety jog, [...]

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

Here Are the Lady’s Knives and Forks

Here are the lady’s knives and forks, Here is the lady’s table, Here is the lady’s looking-glass, And here is the baby’s cradle.   Download the words to Here Are the Lady's Knives and Forks.

There Was a Lady Loved a Swine

There was a lady loved a swine. “Honey,” quoth she, “Pig-hog wilt thou be mine?” “Hoogh,” quoth he.   “I’ll build thee a silver sty, Honey,” quoth she, “And in it thou shalt lie.” “Hoogh,” [...]

There Was a Lady All Skin and Bone

There was a lady all skin and bone. Sure such a lady was never known. It happened upon a certain day, This lady went to church to pray.   When she came to the church [...]

I Have Been to Market

I have been to market, My lady, my lady. Then you’ve not been to the fair, Says pussy, says pussy.   I bought me a rabbit, My lady, my lady. Then you did not buy [...]

Every Lady in This Land

Every lady in this land Has twenty nails upon each hand, Five and twenty on hands and feet All this is true without deceit.   Download the words to Every Lady in This Land.

This is the Way the Ladies Ride

This is the way the ladies ride, Nimble, nimble, nimble, nimble. This is the way the gentlemen ride, A gallop a trot, a gallop a trot. This is the way the farmers ride, Jiggety jog, [...]

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